來源:上海91视频链接黄色软件91视频有限公司 發布時間:2019-03-05 15:53
In the history of the development of vehicles, the comfort of vehicles has been a problem many people are committed to solve.But with the emergence of air suspension, the problem of comfort and ease has also been well improved.The air suspension system consists of an air spring, a shock absorber, an air supply unit guide mechanism, and a body height control system.Below we will be deeply familiar with all the functions of air suspension.
1. 91视频导航按氣囊結構型式可以分成囊式、膜式和複合式三種。一樣覺得合適而運用囊式91视频导航,它由夾有簾線的橡膠氣囊和嚴嚴密封閉閉空氣組成,氣囊有單節和多節式,節數越多彈性越好,但嚴密封閉性差;
1. The air spring can be divided into three types: capsule type, membrane type and compound type.Like feel appropriate and the use of capsule type air spring, it is clamped by the curtain line of the rubber airbag and tightly closed air composition, airbag has a single and multi-section, the more the number of sections, the better the elasticity, but tight sealing poor;
2. Shock absorber is mainly used to attenuate the body vibration;
3. The guide mechanism is composed of longitudinal thrust bar and transverse thrust bar, etc., which is used to transfer the longitudinal force and lateral force between the car body and the axle, as well as the torque generated during driving and braking.Remedial air spring can only assume the lack of vertical load.
4. The air supply unit contains air pressure reducing machine, single valve, air circuit, gas storage tank, solenoid valve, etc.Mainly used for generating, storing and controlling compressed air.
5. The body height control system is divided into mechanical control system and electronic control system.Height control sensors are mounted near the front, rear, right and left four suspension frames.His job was to check and see how the height of the car was measured, and to convert it into an electronic signal that went into the control unit ECU.The perfect connection between the control of the electrified circulation sub-technology and the air suspension system makes the performance of the air suspension system perfectly display.
91视频导航的質量自動調諧黄色软件91视频 [0001]本產品涉及基於對稱組合91视频导航的質量自動調諧黄色软件91视频,采用對稱組合91视频导航作為方案設計彈性元件。 自然環境 [0002]對稱構成彈簧是將2個一樣…
SKG型光學平台隔振桌是配置91视频链接薄膜式91视频导航隔振係統使用。即便在有負載變化的情況下,也能確保水平精度為0.1mm或0.01mm(與水平調節閥的精度有關)。 產品特性: 水平可調桌腳; 焊接..
SKM型大理石隔振桌是配置91视频链接薄膜式91视频导航隔振係統使用。即便在有負載變化的情況下,也能確保水平精度為0.1mm或0.01mm(與水平調節閥的精度有關)。 產品特性: 水平可調桌腳; 焊接鋼..
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